
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The church financially and prayerfully supports both international and local missions.  International mission work includes support of missionaries ministering in Bulgaria and Africa.  In addition, the church supports a Free Will Baptist Children's Home in Virginia.  The church also supports the local city mission.
Harvest Children's Home

Active Missionaries

TIm and lydia awtrey

The Awtreys work with other members of the Bulgaria team to establish a healthy network of Free Will Baptist churches throughout Bulgaria. The IM Bulgarian team is the only church planting network in Northern Bulgaria. The Awtreys build relationships and show people that the church is the salt and light they need. They are also actively involved in English classes, programs for children with disabilities, “at-risk” families, a retirement home, etc. 

Jonathan and amy postlewaite

Jonathan and Amy were appointed as career missionaries to Bulgaria in December 2010. They arrived in Svishtov in February 2013, joining Tim and Lydia Awtrey in planting the New Life FWB Church. 

trif and vanya trifonov

Trif and Vanya were appointed to join the Bulgaria team in April 2014. The Bulgarian couple is planting a church in Varna, a city on the Black Sea. Their efforts focus on engaging the atheistic population through seminars, events that revolve around national holidays, and the innovative Bread House (bread-making classes featuring discussion about the Bread of Life).