How it all started...
The Sunshine Free Will Baptist Church , formerly known as "The Community Church," was founded in 1938 by a group of Christians who were led to start a new work. The Sunshine Free Will Baptist Church was organized on June 27, 1941. Reverend O.C. Berry was elected as its first pastor. The minutes from the church's first business meeting stated that there were twelve original members. Regular services were conducted in a one room wood framed building that was enlarged on two different occasions over the years.

The white church in the far distance, towards the top, with the red roof was the old church. It is now the Open Arms Church of God.

The brick building in the distance was the church built in 1988. It currently serves as our fellowship hall.
In 1988 the Church's membership had increased to 122 and the need for additional room was evident. Plans were drawn up and in November 1988 construction began on the new church building located on a piece of property on James River Road and East Road. The first service in the new church was held on April 16, 1989. Pastor Carl Lilly's pastor from Holden, West Virginia, Reverend John T. Vance preached the dedication service.
Where we are today..
Twelve years later the need for a larger church was realized and the first service was held on March 16, 2003. The seating capacity in the new church is 500 to 600.
Pastor Jody Fortner and his wife Kim began serving at the beginning of 2010, with much energy and excitement ready to share the love of Christ to win souls and rededicate those gone astray. We give God all the praise for the wonderful Christians that make up our membership.
Pastor Jody Fortner and his wife Kim began serving at the beginning of 2010, with much energy and excitement ready to share the love of Christ to win souls and rededicate those gone astray. We give God all the praise for the wonderful Christians that make up our membership.

The church pictured on the right is our current church building.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am.