Faith In The Midst Of Destruction

Tuesday January 2, 2023
Faith in the midst of destruction. We see that Noah’s character is described as being a “righteous man” and that Noah was “blameless among his contemporaries” with the concluding statements, “Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9).  God warned Noah that He was going to destroy every living creature on the earth.  God then provides Noah with a set of instructions, including:  exact measurements for building the ark, what to bring into the ark (types and numbers of animals), and food to bring into the ark for Noah and his family and the animals (v.14-21).  And then we read this, “He did everything that God had commanded him” (v.22).  Noah was not saved because he was a righteous man, nor was he saved by his works.  Noah was saved by faith.  No one else believed the message from God that Noah declared all of those years in which he was building the ark, including his own family (Noah had siblings).  Yes, Noah was a righteous man and he did do the works that God commanded him to do.  However, these two things are simply evidence of the faith Noah had in God.  It is faith that is needed, especially in the face of destruction.

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