How Quickly We Fall
Thursday January 2, 2025
How quickly we fall. The creation account doesn’t take long to spiral into complete destruction. Adam and Eve sin by eating the forbidden fruit. The next generation, the offspring of Adam and Eve, has murder as the sin when Cain killed his brother. As we look at the genealogy, we see that Noah is in the 10th generation of all mankind. And by the 10th generation things had gotten so evil, it says that “every inclination of the human mind was nothing but evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). God regretted that he had made man on earth, and he was deeply grieved (v.6). So, God destroys every breathing creation, including all of mankind, except for Noah. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The only thing that saved Noah was grace. While we read and ponder the creation, we should reflect on how quickly we, too, have fallen. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Even when we set out to try and do good, it doesn’t take long for sin to be present. While we are in this flesh, there will be trouble. Sin lurks right around the corner. As we enter this new year, let us help one another to do good, for the Lord’s sake, and only by the Lord’s grace. And when one falls, let’s go to them, lest we forget that we, too, may be the next to fall. Maybe you have already failed at what you planned to do for this new year of 2025. Do not keep on falling, but do not be discouraged. Seek the Lord. We are ever dependent upon His Amazing Grace.
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