Harvest of Joy

Thursday February 27, 2025
A harvest of joy!  In part of our reading today, we read about one of the festivals that God instructs Israel to keep, the feast of tabernacles, also called the feast of shelters or feast of booths - sukkot (Deuteronomy 16:13-17).  This was the longest of the festivals, lasting seven days and was also considered the greatest in which they were instructed to rejoice.  This feast memorialized God’s holy Dwelling place, the dessert Tabernacle, the design of which was given to Moses by God Himself and represented the presence of God.  The feast was also called the feast of booths or shelter, as it was these booths that the people lived in during the time they received the Ten Commandments at Sinai and during the rest of their exodus experience.  It was a reminder of the time their were homeless and God delivered them from the their enemies and protected them.  Th festival also occurred in the fall, at the time of the harvest.  In our reading today, it says, “God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, and you will have abundant joy” (v.15).  Abundant joy signifies and overflowing of joy that would result in giving thanks, sincere thanks, unto the Lord!  As you can see, the remembering of where they once were and what God had done for them, and what he was continue to do in supplying them produce, would result in them harvesting much more than food – they would have a harvest of joy!

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