Our God is Coming

Monday February 19, 2024
Our God is coming!  Again, we have reason to rejoice as we see the end approaching.  The psalmist reminds us of several things.  First, God is the judge (Psalm 50:6).  We may stand before earthly men in various positions of power, but God is the ultimate judge.  People may even dismiss the existence of God, but they, too, will stand before the Judge one day.  Secondly, God is coming; He will not be silent! (Psalm 50:3).  Things may seem like they are getting through and no one is being held accountable for evil and corruption.  But God, the Judge, is coming.   And when He comes, He will execute judgment and that is what is mean by “He will not be silent”.  We need not mistaken the lack of an immediate response from God as His dismissal of evil, or even worse, His acceptance of it.  This is not the case.  He is coming and He will set things in order.  Finally, God is merciful.  The psalmist says, “Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me” (Psalm 50:15).  We must remember that God is ever present.  His ear is attentive to the broken and contrite.  God will hear our prayer.  He may not remove us from the situation, but He will most certainly rescue us in an even greater way!

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