Hard Work
Thursday January 9, 2025
Hard work. Jacob worked hard and weas treated unfairly by his uncle, Laban. Instead of honoring the agreement to give his youngest daughter, Rachel, to Jacob, he first gave Jacob his oldest daughter, Leah. Jacob worked for seven years and was given Leah, instead of Rachel as a wife (Genesis 29:23). When Jacob confronted Laban, he then also gave Rachel as a wife to Jacob, but required him to work another seven years (v.27). When Jacob was ready to take his family away, his wives and children, he worked for Laban another six years to obtain some flock. Of course, Laban tried to cheat him out of any flock, but God knew what was happening and blessed Jacob. There was a passage that stood out to me though that talked about the hard work of Jacbo. It reads, “There I was – the heat consumed me by day and the frost by night, and sleep fled from my eyes. For twenty years in your household I served you – fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks” (Genesis 31:40-41). It wasn’t just the length of time that Jacob worked, but it was hard work. And, despite all of the changes Laban made to the agreements, Jacob never ceased the labor. He continued to work hard for Laban. Our effort should not be based on our earthly masters or relationships. We should not let up when treated unfairly nor when others might not be putting forth the same effort. We must work hard. The Lord sees when no one else does.
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