Faith Over Fear

Wednesday January 10, 2024
Faith over fear.  The Lord had said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you” (Genesis 31:3).  This meant facing his brother Esau, who had previously tricked into getting his birthright and blessing from their father.  Jacob was afraid of Esau and what he might do to Jacob and his family (Genesis 32:11).  Jacob was obedient to God’s instruction, despite being afraid, and while on his way, God’s angels met him (Genesis 32:1).  As they get closer, Jacob’s messengers return with news that Esau is on his way with 400 men to meet Jacob.  Jacob did not know Esau’s intentions, so he makes preparations and prays.  In Jacob’s prayer, he repeats what God instructed him to do by going back to his land and family (Genesis 32:9).  Then Jacob begins humbly thanking God for all the kindness and faithfulness shown to him in the past (v.10).  Finally, Jacob repeats a promise of God that God said to him “I will cause you to prosper, and I will make your offspring like the sand of the sea, too numerous to be counted” (v.12).  These are all things that help to strengthen Jacob’s faith and to move forward, despite the fear of what lays ahead.  How is this applicable to us?

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