Perishing Without A Vision

Sunday January 28, 2024
Perishing without a vision.  There are instances as I read when I see examples of what the Proverb says, “Where [there is] no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy [is] he” (Proverbs 29:18).  The verse supplies enough context, but if you read the surrounding verses, it becomes even clearer.  God has placed before us laws and rules for a reason.  They are for our good.  When they are not adhered to, then what results is chaos.  And that is the primary meaning of that verse.  We see the example of that in today’s reading.  Moses is up on the mountain with God and Aaron is left in charge.  The people get tired of waiting on Moses to come back, so they ask Aaron to make them gods/idols so they can worship them.  Aaron makes a golden calf and the noise of their singing and dancing before these gods is heard by Joshua and Moses.  Moses comes down from the Mountain and confronts Aaron about what he had done and allowed to happen.  We read, “Moses saw that the people were out of control, for Aaron had let them get out of control” (Exodus 32:25).  This is an excellent example of Scripture that describes a moment in time where there was no vision (no law being administered or enforced) and chaos ensued.

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