Test of Love
Wednesday February 26, 2025
Test of love? In our reading this morning we see some grave consequences for those who try and lead God’s people away from Him to other gods (Deuteronomy 13). The chapter begins by saying if a prophet or a dreamer proclaims a sign that comes about, but says let us follow other gods, do not listen to them for God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord with all your heart and soul (Deuteronomy 13:1-3). There is grave consequences for such a person who tries to lead someone astray from the Lord. The person who says to follow other gods was instructed to be put to death immediately. This is a repeated consequence throughout the chapter for anyone or any city of wicked men who try to entice one away from following the Lord. The punishment indicates that this was a very serious charge and the people were instructed to immediately destroy the danger of being led astray. Jesus also strongly warns about enticement of the heart that could lead one astray from the Lord. Jesus said, “Woe to the world because of offences?” (Matthew 18:7). Offences here is causing someone to stumble, included in the definition is an enticement to sin. In the context of this warning, Jesus said that one who offends one of these little one, a believer and follower of Christ, it would be better for a millstone to be hung around his neck and drowned in the depts of the sea. An enticement to lead one astray from following the Lord is very serious and we must guard our hearts from such danger.
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