God's Compassion

Monday January 6, 2025
God’s compassion.  We can see God’s compassion in our lives in many ways, if we just stop to consider.  However, there are instances where God’s compassion is more active than at others.  God had sent two angels to Sodom and while they were there they witnessed the wickedness of the people in this city.  Upon notifying Lot to get his family out of there because God had sent them to destroy the city, there did not seem to be an urgency from Lot or his family.  The Bible says “At daybreak the angels urged Lot on” (Genesis 19:15).  Even with this urging, we still see that Lot hesitated (v.16).  Then we read, “Because of the Lord’s compassion for him, the men grabbed his hand, his wife’s hand, and the hands of his two daughters” (v.16).  Because of God’s compassion, these two angels physically took the hands of Lot and his family, and lead them out of the city.  We might often remember Sodom and Gomorrah for God’s judgment and destruction, but may we also not forget the miraculous compassion displayed in this account.

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