Fear Not, But Fear

Tuesday January 23, 2024
Fear not, but fear.  When all of Israel witnessed the thunder and lighting, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain surrounded by smoke, it must have been a remarkable sight (Exodus 20:18).  In addition, barriers were set up and the people warned not to get too close to the mountain.  So, one can imagine the sober thoughts that must have been going through their minds.  Then Moses tells them, “Don’t be afraid, for God has come to test you, so that you will fear him and will not sin” (Exodus 20:20).  Matthew Henry commentates:  “To keep them to their duty, and prevent their sinning against God. He encourages them, saying, Fear not, and yet tells them that God thus spoke to them, that his fear might be before their face. We must not fear with amazement-with that fear which has torment, which only works upon the fancy for the present, sets us a trembling, genders to bondage, betrays us to Satan, and alienates us from God; but we must always have in our minds a reverence of God's majesty, a dread of his displeasure, and an obedient regard to his sovereign authority over us: this fear will quicken us to our duty and make us circumspect in our walking.”

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