Unintentional Sins
Tuesday January 30, 2024
Unintentional sins. The Book of Leviticus specifies the actions one needs to take when sin is committed. Notice that the rules identify what to do when sin is committed intentionally or unintentionally, and whether or not the person committing the sin is a leader or not. Also, sin costs something. The greater the sin, and especially if a leader, the costlier the sacrifice would be. There seemed to be an emphasis on righteousness and holiness for the individual, but also for the entire nation of people. We read, ‘Now if any of the common people sins unintentionally by violating one of the Lord’s commands, does what is prohibited, and incurs guilt, or if someone informs him about the sin he has committed, then he is to bring an unblemished female goat as his offering for the sin that he has committed” (Leviticus 4:27-28). Notice that it refers to someone informing a person about the sin that was unintentional. I believe the attitudes of both people, the one being informed of their sin and the one informing, would have to be important. The one being informed of their sin would not only have to acknowledge their sin, but it would cost them something. I believe this would take great humility. The person informing of the sin had to have a greater reason other than just looking for offenses. It would seem that the standing of holiness and righteousness before a mighty God would be the driving force.
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