Description of Life
Wednesday January 15, 2025
Description of life. When we think about life, we might strive for it to be full, happy, and wonderful. Isn’t that what we would like? Nobody really wants a terrible life. I was drawn to the conversation the Jacob (Israel) has with Pharaoh. Joseph brought his father, Jacob, into the presence of Pharaoh. Pharaoh asks how old Jacob is and Jacob says he is 130 years old. He further states, “My years have been few and hard, and they have not reached the years of my fathers during his pilgrimages” (Genesis 47:9). Jacob would live another 17 years after arriving in Egypt, making him 147 years when he died. The point is that Jacob described his days in life as few and that they have been hard. His life at that point was almost double the average life span that we know of today, yet they were “few”. Jacob had worked hard in life, but had been blessed with many riches. However, he described his days as “hard”. No matter the lifespan, we will all come to a point of death, if the Lord tarries His coming. Our life will be but as a vapor, few in days compared to eternity. For most of us, we strive for the elusive happy and wonderful life, but our lives might be described as “hard”. Remember, God’s Word says, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble” (Job 14:1). We need God! We need a Savior!
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