God's Work

Saturday January 18, 2025
God’s work.  Moses expressed concerns numerous times about the possibility of the people not believing him or not obeying him (Exodus 4:1).  The Lord then goes through a series of miraculous signs with Moses:  turning his staff into a snake and then turning it back into a staff, causing his hand to become leprous and then turning back to normal, and taking some water from the Nile river, pouring it on the ground, and causing it to become blood on the ground (v.3-9).  These miraculous signs that God did for Moses were used to show Moses how God would convince the people that God was instructing them through this man Moses.  God said to Moses, “If they will not believe you and will not respond to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the second sign” (v.8).  God was sending Moses to do a work.  It was not up to Moses to convince the people.  It was up to God.  All Moses was instructed to do was to go and do what God instructed him to do.  Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves about outcomes.  God was going to handle the outcomes; He was just instructing Moses to go and follow His instructions.  This was God’s work.

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