Importance of Justice

Wednesday January 24, 2024
Importance of justice.  There are many laws we are reading about in today’s reading.  Some may seem harsh, but if there are no laws with a severe punishment to serve as a deterrent, then society becomes chaos.  However, even good laws without fairness in justice system will produce the same outcome, chaos.  One of the most important qualities of a judge is that they should be fair and cannot be bought (bribed).  True justice is blind and treats everyone equally. Think about this verse, “Do not show favoritism to a poor person in his lawsuit” (Exodus 23:3).  The justice system must not be used to take from others and give to others based on their finances.  In this example, since it involves a poor person, that bribery is not the source of corruption.  It must be some sort of ideology of the judge who is making the decision that is slanting justice in favor of the poor person. While that might sound good at the time, this taints they system and everyone suffers from the results.  Does this mean the poor should be mistreated then?  Absolutely not! Later we read, “You must not deny justice to a poor person among you in his lawsuit” (v.6).  A poor person can’t afford the best lawyers and certainly can’t bribe anyone, but they deserve fairness just like everyone else.

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