God is a Just God

Tuesday January 9, 2024
God is a just God.  Our reading in Psalms today addresses the subject of the justice of God.  This gives us reason to rejoice, especially during times of persecution.   We are reminded to “Sing to the Lord, who dwells in Zion” for “He does not forget the cry of the oppressed” (Psalm 9:11-12).  This is also what we have been reading and learning from the relationship of Jacob and Laban.  Despite Laban’s best efforts to cheat Jacob out of riches and family, God prevails.  Jacob tells him, “God has seen my affliction and my hard work, and He issued his verdict last night” (Genesis 31:42).  It does not matter how powerful the enemy that we face, even nations and leaders of nations are no match for God.  God will ultimately execute justice.  We may not see it at the time, and ultimately, we may not witness in our lifetime, but it is never wrong to do right.  Our focus must remain on the Lord.  Our desire must be on pleasing Him, with our love for Him being a driving force, for He first loved us.  If we have nothing else to thank God for this day, let’s thank Him and praise Him for Who He is.  God is a just God!

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