Tuesday February 20, 2024
Restoration. If you have been around me any time and have heard me testifying about a dark time in my life, you will know that Psalm 51 holds a dear place in my spiritual walk. But, even familiar passages can have new and refreshing meaning as we read it because it is the Living Word, the Word of God! In this psalm, David realizes his sin with Bathsheba after Nathan the prophet pointed it out. This is a prayer of restoration. David pleads with God to blot out his transgressions and to wash away the guilt, for he was aware of his acts of rebellion against the Lord (Psalm 51:1-3). He then asks God to create a clean heart in him, and renew a steadfast spirit within him (v.10). Next, he asks God to restore the joy of God’s salvation to him (v.12). I am stopping there intentionally, but that is not the end of that verse. I have read this chapter many times, but what comes next in verse 12 seemed fresh and new to me. It reads, “and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit” (v.12). Restoration begins with recognition of sin, then repenting of that sin, before asking for restoration. However, part of restoring is also a desire NOT to repeat the same sin. The psalmist asks God to sustain Him, which indicates a desire for the Lord to not just forgive Him one time, but to continue to walk with him in obedience. I say obedience because in that same request, the psalmist asks God to give him a willing spirit. A spirit willing to do the will of God.
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