Tuesday February 18, 2025
Wisdom. God’s Word to us provides us with wisdom about life. This world has seen many throughout history to claim knowledge and discovery. Mankind has developed philosophies and theologies, each claiming to be correct and profound. Generations have witnessed new fads as it pertains to thinking and living. However, God’s Word is wisdom and never changes. In our psalm portion of our reading, we are reminded about death. The psalmist said that both the wise and the foolish both die (Psalm 49:10). The psalmist even goes on to say that all of the wealth one collects during their time on earth will not be taken with them, but they will leave it to another, and their grave becomes their home (v.10-11). The good news for us who believe is that God will redeem us from the power of the grave (v.15). I recently was reminded of a gentleman who is trying to conquer death. I have read about him before, but was reminded of his quest recently. He is putting all of his efforts into not dying, but living forever. He has developed very sophisticated ways to monitor, test, and then develop his body. He has stated that certain interventions has reduced a certain number of years from his life, meaning he is remaining younger than normal. The most recent picture I saw of him was him wearing a t-shirt that said “Don’t die”. Physical exercise is good and we should not neglect our bodies, but wisdom teaches us that no matter how well we do with our bodies, death is sure to come.
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