King of Kings
Monday January 20, 2025
King of kings. Before I read today’s reading, I had also been watching some of the coverage of the changes in presidency of our country. There are some beautiful traditions associated with this. But I also have been thinking about the recent great shifts in our country. We have gotten to a place in our country where the pendulum is moving faster and greater. This can lead to instability. Yet, God is our King and He never changes. If we were left to only the powers of this earth, we would be doomed for sure. We are not! As I read today’s Scripture reading, I was reminded that our God is a mighty deliverer. Great kings typically have great militaries. These militaries could conquer enemies in their own land or protect the home land from foreign enemies. However, I believe the most difficult victory is when a captured people are in a foreign land, under foreign control. This was the state of the entire Israelite people. There were not some captives, but they were all captives. There were none in a position of power or influence. They were all slaves and powerless. How does one experience a victory in those circumstances without suffering great loss, much less without suffering any loss? It was God, the King of kings, who by His mighty hand delivered the Israelites from the enemy within (Pharaoh and the Egyptian people – Exodus 10-12). There is nothing impossible with God! What battle are you facing right now? Is it an enemy within? Possibly a sin that you can’t seem to overcome? Don’t let sin reign! “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof” (Romans 6:12). Let the King of king’s reign that you may be delivered!
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