How God Deals With Unrepentance

Saturday February 8, 2025
How God deals with unrepentance.  In our reading today, God talks about His covenant blessing and discipline.  God instructs His people to follow His statutes and to keep His Sabbath and to revere His sanctuary (Leviticus 26:2-3).  If the people obey, God promises them blessings; rain at the right time and a fruit-bearing land.  In addition, God says, “I will turn to you, make you fruitful and multiply you” (v.9).  This is amazing!  God will turn to them!  The God of all creation; He who is all powerful and all knowing!  However, if the people do not obey, God will turn against them (v.17).  The same all powerful and all-knowing God!  God descries brining terror upon them – wasting diseases and fever that will cause their eyes to fail and their life to ebb away (v.16).  God says, “But if after these things you will not obey me, I will proceed to discipline you seven times for your sins.  I will break down your strong pride” (v.18-19).  This verse tells us a lot.  First, it tells us that the terror that God was brining was not because of hate, but because of love.  Second, it tells us that God cared too much for them than to just let them continue in disobedience.  Lastly, it speaks to the reason why the people were not turning back to the Lord – pride.  So, God is going to escalate the terror in order to address the pride.  Unfortunately, it would take great devastation before those who were left would finally acknowledge their sin and the solution.  The good news comes when we read, “But when they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers – their unfaithfulness that they practiced against me, and how they acted with hostility toward me, and I acted with hostility toward them and brought them into the land of their enemies – and when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they make amends for their iniquity, then I will remember my covenant with Jacob” (v.40-42).  Unrepentant of sin is due to pride, but if you will humble yourself before the Lord, He will remember His covenant and turn to you again!

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