Dependence On God
Thursday January 25, 2024
Dependence on God. When we pray to God, we are doing so by faith, knowing who God is and that He is faithful. The psalmist begins, “Lord, I appeal to you. My Go, I trust in you” (Psalm 25:1). We must approach God reverently and with sincerity. We must be careful not to become comfortable with sin in our lives. God is holy and we are called to be holy. But what do we do about sin once we have committed it? How do we handle it and how can we be assured that God has forgiven us? The psalmist addresses the topic of sin several times in this psalm. We read, “Do not remember the sins of my youth or my acts of rebellion; in keeping with your faithful love, remember me because of your goodness, Lord” (v.7). The following verse states, “The Lord is good and upright; therefore, he shows sinners the way” (v.8). Later we read, “Lord, for the sake of your name, forgive my iniquity for it is immense” (v.11). Notice that the psalmist draws attention to the faithful characteristics of God when addressing sin: “keeping with your faithful love”, “Lord is good and upright”, and “For the sake of your name”. While we fail, God does not. It is good for us to be reminded of how God is a faithful Potter, and we are clay. God’s ways and thoughts are far above ours. It is because He is good and patient that we can be assured that when we approach the throne of grace with humility and brokenness, God hears our cries.
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