A Type of Christ

Sunday January 7, 2023
A type of Christ.  Think about the types that we see in the account of Abrahm sending his servant to find a bride for his only son Isaac.  After praying, the servant identifies the potential bride.  Her name was Rebekah.  The servant goes back to her house to meet the family.  Before eating a meal together, Abraham’s servant has to say his reason for being there.  He says, “I am Abraham’s servant.  The Lord has greatly blessed my master and he has become rich.  He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male and female slaves, and camels and donkeys.  Sarah, my master’s wife, bore as on to my master in her old age, and he has given him everything he owns” (Genesis 24: 34-36).  The servant continues to tell the rest of the reason he is there, to find a wife for his master’s son, Isaac.  This is enough to ponder.  The father has great riches.  All of these riches will be given to the only son.  That son is seeking a bride.  If given this scenario, one would say the woman would be foolish to turn down such an offer to become this son’s bride.  However, this is a type of the Gospel, and Isaac is a type of Christ.  God, Who owns everything (He owns the cattle on a thousand hills), has given all things to His only Son, Jesus.  All things have been given unto Him.  Who will blessed to be the bride?  Can you believe that God has chosen us?  This is something to rejoice over with all thanksgiving unto God.

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