Joy Today

Saturday February 1, 2025
Joy today.  This past Wednesday I shared a Scripture text from Ecclesiastes that cautions us, “Say not, "Why were the former days better than these?" For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.” (Ecclesiastes 7:10).  When we dwell in the past, we become susceptible to discouragement.  Discouragement breeds discontentment and leads to depression.  I’m sure you have heard the expression, “when it rains, it pours”.  We usually say this when one bad thing after another occurs.  Maybe you are in this category.  Maybe you feel you have little reason for joy today.  The psalmist states, “How joyful is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!” (Psalm 32:1).  Has God forgiven you of your sins?  If not, I would encourage you right now, immediately, to go to Him in prayer, seeking forgiveness.  If He has, we have reason to rejoice, don’t we?  There have been times that I have just stopped and sung a song of praise to the Lord, sometimes inwardly, but sometimes out loud.  I would encourage you to do this right now.  No matter what your circumstances or difficulty, if God has forgiven you, take time to rejoice.  “Sweet is the song I am singing today: I’m redeemed! I’m redeemed! Trouble and sorrow have vanished away: I have been redeemed!”.  You can have joy today!

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