Hardening of Hearts

Thursday February 15, 2024
Hardening of hearts.  As we have been reading, there were occasions, even early on, where Israel had hardened their hearts and complained against God and Moses.  Often, the complaints were about a lack of something they wanted, either food or water.  After Moses would pray to God, God provided water in the dessert and manna to eat.  This satisfied the people for a while, but then they began to complain that all they had was “this manna”.  So, you can see, that their complaints grew from not having anything to eat, to not being satisfied with what God had provided.  This is a sign of a hardening heart.  Now their words against God are growing stronger, again, another sign that the hardening of their hearts are growing worse.  We read, “The people spoke against God and Moses: ‘Why have you led us up from Egypt to die in the wilderness?  There is no bread or water, and we detest this wretched food!’” (Numbers 21:5).  Notice the complaints are growing harsher. This time God responds by sending poisonous snakes among them and many Israelites died (v.6).  God initially responded by giving the people what they needed when they complained.   That is the mercy of God, because of instead of complaining, they should have trusted the same God that delivered them from Egypt to provide for them.  However, as their hearts hardened, God now responds with discipline.  Continuing to respond differently would only worsen their rebellious hearts.  This is God’s mercy and grace as He could have completely destroyed them, but instead He disciplines them to correct their rebellious behavior.

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