Joseph, A Man of Faith
Friday January 12, 2024
Joseph, a man of faith. Despite all of the adversity and difficulties, Joseph remained faithful to God. Sometimes when we are dealt blows in life, it can be easy to become spiritually discouraged and even angry. Despite the mistreatment from his brothers, being sold as a slave, Joseph finds himself in Potiphar’s house, and in charge. Potiphar’s wife tempts Joseph “day after day” (Genesis 39:10) and still Joseph remains faithful to God. Notice Joseph’s reasoning for not giving into this temptation. Joseph says, “how could I do this immense evil, and how could I sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). It would have been both morally wrong to have committed such an act, but also it would have been a sin against God. After wrongfully being accused by Potiphar’s wife, Joseph finds himself in prison. Yet, Joseph remains a man of faith and God continues to have favor upon Joseph, as Joseph was put in charge of the things done in the prison (v.22). Finally, two former staff members of the king of Egypt are in prison. Both of them have dreams which make them extremely sad. They had dreams and no one could interpret them, to which Joseph said, “Don’t interpretations belong to God?” (Genesis 40:8). Despite the circumstances or conditions, Joseph remains a man of faith, constantly looking to God.
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