Sunday January 19, 2025
Repentance. Repentance is a word we use a lot, but what does it actually look like? Do we sometimes confuse conviction and repentance? As we read about Pharaoh in our reading today, I believe this account can teach us a lot about repentance. God brings a series of plagues down upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt. There is a lot of repetition to this account, but this repetition is a great lesson for us. When the plague brings difficulties and disaster, Pharaoh asks Moses to ask the Lord for relief. However, once the relief is provided, the promise of obeying God’s command (letting God’s people go) is not followed. This cycle happens over and over again, and with each cycle, Pharaoh’s heart is hardened a little more. Did Pharaoh repent? The answer is, no. Pharaoh experienced conviction and even acknowledged his sin. Pharaoh asked for relief and promised to obey, but never did. True repentance is all of this, but following through with obedience. In this account, we read that Pharoah did not fear God. It would seem that he did because of these great plagues, but this statement is made, and is true, because true fear would have produced obedience. How could we have known that Pharaoh had true repentance? If he would have let God’s people go, that would have been an indication that Pharaoh feared the Lord and repented of his sins. What about us? Can we get into a cycle of sin? When trouble comes, and conviction with it, we acknowledge that sin, but when the conviction eases, we are right back where we began? This can be a dangerous cycle, producing a hardened heart and never coming to true repentance. Is all hope gone? No! Turn to the Lord in true repentance and seeking obedience. Our Psalms passage says, “keep your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule me” (Psalm 19:13). We can’t do this alone. We need the Lord, but we must be vigilant in our efforts now, but also the days ahead.
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