
Thursday January 16, 2025
Why?  Joseph lived to be 110 years old.  While his brothers seeming mistreated him when he was younger, Joseph realized that God was using that for His good (Genesis 50:20).  Joseph treated his family well, and even after the death of their father, he did not seek revenge upon his brothers.  No, he continued to treat his brothers well even after their father’s death.  But, upon Joseph’s death we read, “Joseph said to his brothers, “I am about to die, but God will certainly come to your aid and bring you up from this land to the land he swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” (v.24).  Again, Joseph told this to his brothers, meaning his brothers were still alive.  Why did Joseph’s brothers outlive him?  We don’t always understand the length of life.  Why do some people live longer than others?  Why do seemingly good people die so young?  Why do wicked people seem to live a long time?  God’s way and timing is best.  We may not always understand it, but it is.

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