A Heritage

Thursday January 4, 2023
A heritage.  In our reading today, we read about the word of the Lord coming to Abraham in a vision.  God tells Abraham, “Do not be afraid. I am your shield; your reward will be very great” (Genesis 15:1).  What would come to your mind if you were to hear those words from God?  Abraham’s response tells us a lot. He says, “Lord God, what can you give me, since I am childless” (v.2), and then he goes on to say that God had given him no offspring (v.3).  The response acknowledges that death is sure for mankind and that children are a gift from God.  It also reflects Abraham’s character of faith in God and selflessness.  Abraham could have just been excited about receiving this great reward for himself, but he looks further than that.  Next, God’s word comes to Abraham again, and this time he is promised offspring from his own body, and his offspring would become more numerous than the stars of the sky.  The Bible says, “Abram believed the Lord” (v.6).  This is faith!  Abraham, regardless of how impossible it may have seemed to him at the time, believed God.  He trusted God to give him a heritage in which to pass along all the things he had received from God.

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