Breaking Down Pride

Thursday February 8, 2024
Breaking down pride.  God clearly instructs His people that if they do well and honor God, they will be blessed.  However, He also warns them that if they do evil, He will bring terror on them (Leviticus 26:16).  If after God brings terror on them and they will not obey Him, God says, “I will proceed to discipline you seven times for your sins.  I will break down your strong pride” (v.18-19).  The rest of that chapter continues with warnings where God’s discipline becomes harsher and harsher if Israel refuses to respond in obedience.  As the discipline becomes harsher, one might think that God now hates them and is completely against them.  But what a merciful God we serve!  We read, “But when they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers – their unfaithfulness that they practiced against me, and how they acted with hostility towards me”……”and when their uncircumcised hearts make amends for their iniquity, then I will remember my covenant with Jacob” (v.40-42).  This process requires acknowledgment of sin, confessing and repenting of all these sins, and making amends for them.  I still remember the testimony of one of our dearly departed brothers, Bro. Charlie.  He never had much worldly possessions.  He was even known to steal chickens before he became a Christian.  However, once he was saved, he went around trying to make amends to the people he had stollen chickens from.  He was not trying to buy his salvation; he had already received that free gift of grace through Christ.  However, he did have a desire to make amends for his ways.  Good example.

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