Peacemaker And A Selfless Brother

Sunday January 14, 2024
Peacemaker and a selfless brother.  In today’s reading, we get more insight into the character of Joseph.  He has been reunited with his brothers, only his brothers do not know it yet.  However, at the presence of all of his brothers, Joseph cannot contain his emotions any longer.  Several times in our reading we see that Joseph is weeping greatly over the sight of his brothers (Genesis 45: 2, 14, 15).  We do not read the same about the brothers, with the exception of his brother Benjamin (Genesis 45: 14).  What stood out to me was what was missing.  I would expect that the brothers would be the ones weeping loudly, for they were the ones that had betrayed Joseph and sold him into slavery, despite pleading with them not to sell him.  The brothers are described as being terrified (v.3), not sorrowful for what they had done.  Not only is Joseph emotional to see them, but he gives them provisions, tells them not to grieve or be angry with themselves (v.5), and when he sends them away to bring their father back, Joseph tells them not to argue with each other along the way (v.24).  Joseph was a selfless brother, focusing and testifying of God’s faithfulness instead of the wrong he had endured at the hands of his brothers.

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