The Way

Saturday January 25, 2025
The Way.  It is important for us to know the way(s) of God.  I would like to close this post with a thought from the New Testament.  When we think about the way of God, we rightly think about doing what is right according to God.  As we read our Psalm passage today, we that “The Lord is good and upright; therefore, he shows sinners the way “ (Psalm 25:8).  But, not just the sinner is shown the way, we next read that God leads the humble in what is right and teaches them the way (v.9).  But, not just the sinners and the humble, but the Lord’s way shows faithful love and truth to those who keep His covenant and decrees (v.10).   Lastly, in addition to these three types of people, we read that the person who fears the Lord, God will show them the way he should choose (v.12).  I found this to be wonderful and I can’t think of a type of person who is not covered in these passages.  Now to my New Testament thought.  God’s way, again is the path that does right according to Him.  It stands to reason then, that when we are obedient to Him and walking in His way(s) that God Himself will be with us, for after all it is His way(s).  While that is spiritual, my mind went to a physical way (path).  Jesus traveled much during His earthly ministry.  On one occasion there was a blind man that stood on the way that Jesus was traveling and his name was Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46).   Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus, and many told him to stop, but he cried out even louder.  I guess my point, and the blessing for me, is that our desire to be in God’s way is tremendously important.  God’s way is good for us and is right.  However, it is also where He is and when we are in His way, oh what a blessing it is when He passes by!  You will encounter Him along “the way”.

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