God's Faithful Love Is Constant

Wednesday February 21, 2024
God’s faithful love is constant.  It seems like things are changing all around us at such a fast pace.  Technology is increasing faster than it ever has, morality is deteriorating in our country quickly, and wealth and power is increasing quickly for a relatively small group of people, while everyone else prospers less and less.  The question to ask is, wouldn’t something that is constant be such a relief in this ever changing world?  The psalmist says, “God’s faithful love is constant” (Psalm 52:1).  This conveys that whether we do well or falter, God’s faithful love remains.  Don’t get the wrong idea.  This does not mean we can live the way we want and still be right before the Lord.  However, it does mean that God will discipline us when we falter because He loves us.  The evil person is put on display in this psalm as an example that the righteous will see and fear, not wanting to have any part of that type of life where this evil person takes refuge in riches (v.6-7).  The psalmist is described as a “flourishing olive tree in the house of God” (v.8) and then makes three statements about the Lord.  They are:  “I will trust in God’s faithful love forever”, “I will praise” God forever for what He as done, and “I will put my hope” in His name for it is good (v.8-9).

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