Trusting The Lord

Thursday February 22, 2024
Trusting the Lord.  Yesterday evening, we preached on trusting the Lord.  In that sermon, we reviewed several passages that emphasized the importance of doing our part, which is praying for wiling spirit, and doing good works.  Good works are doing those things that God has instructed us to do.  These do not save us and doing them requires us to humble ourselves before the Lord and desire His way above our own.  We do not always know the outcome, that is up to God, but we are instructed to do what is just and what is right.  In our reading today, we see the importance of that by reading an account of where God’s people did not do the works that God instructed them.  God had shown the Israelites over and over again His mighty power and that He was with them, but it says, “But in spite of this you did not trust the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 1:32).  This is written because of their failure to follow the commands of God. There was two that did:  Joshua and Caleb.  It says of Caleb that “he remained loyal to the Lord” (v.36).  We are learning each day to trust the Lord by learning His will and then by doing it.  These can sometimes be difficult and hard decisions, but doing what is just and right means we are trusting the Lord.  Again, the outcome is up to the Lord, but He will provide.  Don’t get weary in well doing.

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