Not A Burden

Tuesday February 27, 2024
Not a burden.  People have said that they do not want to be a Christian because they want to enjoy life.  It is sad that many are blinded from the truth and are not able to experience true joy.  Serving the Lord, walking in His ways, is not a burden.  As we read through the Old Testament, we do not just see a list of rules and commands that burden the people.  Yes, sacrifice was required when sin occurred.  Yes, various sacrifices were required as way of remembrance as to who they are and who God is.  But often times, the people were called upon to rejoice.  When they walked by faith and in obedience, there was abundant joy.  In one verse we read, “Rejoice, before the Lord your God in the place where he chooses to have his name dwell” (Deuteronomy 16:11).  Then later on we read, “God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, and you will have abundant joy” (v.15).  God does not have us on a burdensome path, but one that has many places to rejoice and leads ultimately to having abundant joy.  As we walk with the Lord, let us not forget to stop and rejoice in the Lord.  God is good!!

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