Preserving What Is Natural
Thursday February 29, 2024
Preserving what is natural. When discussing the Old Testament, it can become easy to simply dismiss the laws and commands by simply stating we are no longer under the law. Let us assume for this post that the statement just made is absolutely true. My question would be, is there any benefit, then, to reading and studying these commands and statutes? I would suggest to you, that at a minimum these laws and statutes help us to understand and know God. We know what pleases God and what displeases Him. We know what He considers holy and right versus wrong and sinful. I would then say that if we know certain things anger or displease God, then why would we, as Christians, not desire to pay attention to these things. In our reading today, there is a verse that many today simply do not want to hear. It reads, “A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman’s garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 22:5). Instead of trying to take a legalistic approach as to what garments were wore then compared to what garments are wore today, let’s consider the general statement and intent. A woman, dressing and acting like a man, and a man, dressing and acting like a woman is a clear abomination to God. One commentator stated, it “obliterates the distinctions of nature by fostering softness and effeminacy in the man, impudence and boldness in the woman as well as levity and hypocrisy in both; and, in short, it opens the door to an influx of so many evils”.
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