Living Stones

Tuesday March 5, 2024
Living stones.  It is hard for me to read this passage and not write about the living stones.  Moses has passed away and God has chosen Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land.  To show that He is with Joshua, just as He was with Moses, God parts the Jordan River and the Israelites cross over on dry ground.  God instructs Joshua to choose twelve men, one from each tribe, to take twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan River and to set them down at the place where they would spend the night (Joshua 4:3). Joshua would erect these twelve as a memorial in Gilgal so that when their children and children’s children come to this place and see those stones, they will ask, “what do these stones mean?”.  The people could then explain to them what great thing God had done there at the Jordan River, so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord’s hand is mighty and so that the Israelites may always fear the Lord (v.24).  These are known as living stones, because they continue to tell a story.  What great thing has God done for you?  Continue to tell that story so that the next generation knows the mighty hand of God!

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