Strong For The Battle

Friday March 8, 2024
Strong for the battle.  Forty-five years prior, Moses had sent out spies to scout the land, and Joshua and Caleb were the only two that brought back a good report and followed the Lord completely (Joshua 14:8).  All of the spies stated that the land of Canaan was a good and fruitful land, but most of them said that the people that occupied the land were too great for the Israelites to overcome.  Joshua and Caleb, however, trusted the Lord to bring the victory.  This would result in a delay of forty-five years before the Israelites could go in Canaan.  In our reading today, Caleb is now eighty-five years old, and miraculously, his strength for battle and for daily tasks, was as strong that day as they were forty-five years ago (v.11).  The land Caleb and his descendants were given was Hebron.  Hebron had large fortified cities, and the Anakin live there, which were giants.  This would be a great reward and city to inherit, but this would be seemingly one of the greatest cities to defeat.  Caleb’s faith had not diminished over the years either, for he said, “Perhaps the Lord will be with me and I will drive them out as the Lord promises” (v.12).  Sometimes the battles we face seem larger and more difficult than others.  It would seem that some of the most difficult battles go to those who have proved their faithfulness, but the reward is greater as well.

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