Every Promise Fulfilled

Saturday March 9, 2024
Every promise fulfilled.  I always enjoy reading the farewell address of Joshua.  Can you imagine all that Joshua witnessed?  He was Moses’s assistant for many years, so he witnessed the victories that God brought about through Moses.  When Moses died, Joshua became the leader and God showed His presence was with Joshua, just as it had been with Moses, as God parted the Jordan River for Joshua.  Now, Joshua too is facing death and he has the opportunity to leave the Israelites with some instructions.  First, he said, “Be very strong and continue obeying all that is written in the book of the law” (Joshua 23:6).  Joshua repeats the instructions to the Israelites that he had received from the Lord to be strong and courageous.  He also conveyed the importance of obeying the law that God gave to Moes.  Finally, Joshua reminds the people that every promise that God made was fulfilled.  He says, “none of the good promises the lord your God made to you has failed.  Everything was fulfilled for you, not one promise has failed” (Joshua 23:14).  God is faithful.  Joshua reminds them that God’s faithfulness works both ways.  If Israel disobeys, God will bring on them every bad thing until He annihilates them, just as He had said.

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