A Purpose For All Things

Sunday March 10, 2024
A purpose for all things.  In our reading today, we see that there were nations the Lord left in Canaan in order to test all those in Israel who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (Judges 3:1).  In addition, it states that, “This was to teach the future generations of the Israelites how to fight in battle, especially those who had not fought before” (v.2).  Finally, we read that the Lord left these nations there “to test Israel, to determine if they would keep the Lord’s commands he had given their fathers through Moses” (v.4).  Sadly, for Israel, it says “But they settled among the Canaanites” (v.5).  We have been in the Book of Ephesians for a while now and we are to the passages about the armor of God.  We are in a battle, and one might ask, why doesn’t God just destroy the enemy?  He will, but for now we are amongst the enemy.  I can’t help but think that this too is for a purpose, maybe the same exact purpose.  We are tested to see if we are of the faith, and true to our Savior.  We are learning to fight, causing us to grow even stronger in our faith.  We know this, God has a purpose for all things.

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