The Evil of Man and The Mercies of God

Wednesday March 13, 2024
The evil of man and the mercies of God.  Again, we read that Israel had abandoned the Lord and did not worship Him (Judges 10:6).  So, God gets angry and hands them over to the enemy, this time it is the Philistines and the Ammonites (v.7).  When the enemy crushes Israel, they begin to cry out to the Lord.  However, this time God tells them that they have abandoned Him and that they should go cry out to the gods they have been serving for deliverance (v.13-14).  The Israelites continue to cry out to God, acknowledging their sins and pleading with God to deliver them (v.15).  They get serious with God.  They got rid of their foreign gods and worshipped the Lord (v.16).  We do not know how long this went on, but the context does not seem to indicate that God responded immediately.  It says that God “became wear of Israel’s misery” (v.16).  Despite many failures, disobedience, and spiritual adultery, when Israel turns back to God, He hears the cries of His people.

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