A Work Only God Can Do

Wednesday March 20, 2024
A work only God can do.  Samuel anoints Saul to be the first king over Israel.  Yes, it was wrong and sinful for the people to ask for a king because it was a rejection of God.  However, God grants this request and selects for them a king.  Samuel anoints Saul and tells him that God has anointed him to lead the people as king.  Samuel also speaks some pretty remarkable things to Saul by way of signs that would soon follow their meeting.  Samuel says, “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully on you, you will prophesy with them, and you will be transformed” (1 Samuel 10:6). When Saul turns around to leave Samuel, “God changed his heart, and all the signs came about that day” (v.9).  Just think about that, God changed the heart of Saul.  When Saul arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets went out to meet him and the Spirit of God came powerfully upon Saul and he prophesied along with them (v.10).  This was so notable that everyone who knew Saul previously and saw him prophesy asked “What has happened to the son of Kish” (v.11).  So, not only was there an inward change that God brought about, but it began to affect what was happening outwardly.  Saul was not the only one touched inwardly by God.  God touched the hearts of some brave men who went with Saul (v.26).  My friends, God is still able to touch the hearts of men and women today.  Please continue to pray!

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