God Is In Control
Saturday March 23, 2024
God is in control. Man cannot be raised to so high of an earthly power that they are any match for the power of God. God is in control. King Saul was so angry with David, jealous actually, that he wanted David killed. Saul is king and has the power and resources to do it. However, when Saul finds out where David is, which was with the prophet Samuel because David had to flee from Saul, he sends agents to carry out the task of killing David. When Saul’s agents get there, they saw a group of prophets prophesying, with Samuel leading them, and the Spirit of God came upon Saul’s agents and they, too, started prophesying (1 Samuel 19:20). Saul sends three different groups and the results were the same, not only could they not kill David, but they started prophesying. Finally, Saul decides to take care of this work himself, and the Spirit of God came upon him as well and he started prophesying (v.23). These instances were not indications of these men’s conversion of faith. Also, there is no indication of this being permanent in these men’s lives. However, we do know that God is powerful and was protecting David, and Samuel for that matter. If God be for us, who can be against us? God is in control!
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