Dangers of Deceptive Joy
Monday March 25, 2024
Dangers of deceptive joy. We read about a man by the name of Nabal who refused to be kind to David and his men when they were in need, despite David being previously kind to him. David was going to kill Nabal, but Nabal’s wife, Abigail, intervened and asked for David’s forgiveness, and brough food to David and his men. When Abigail gets back home from delivering these gifts to David, she finds him hold a feast fit for a king. We read, “Nabal’s heart was cheerful, and he was very drunk” (1 Samuel 25:36). However, the next morning, when he had sobered up, Abigail told him about the event that took place with David. Then we read about Nabal, it says “His heart died and he became a stone. About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal dead” (v.37-38). Matthew Henry commentates, “How is he changed! His heart over-night merry with wine, next morning heavy as a stone; so deceitful are carnal pleasures, so transient the laughter of the fool. The end of that mirth is heaviness.” There are many things that bring temporary joy, which can be deceptive. But knowing and serving the Lord, brings true joy.
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