A Time of Strength

Tuesday March 26, 2024
A time of strength.  David had fled Saul and was fighting with the Philistines.  However, when the Philistines were about to go to war with Israel, the leaders of the Philistines refused to let David and his men go along with the Philistine army.  David and his men return to where they had been staying, in Ziklag, and the Amalekites had raided and attached the land, kidnapping the women, including David’s wives and that of his men’s (1 Samuel 30:1-2).  David’s men were about to turn on David and we read, “David was in an extremely difficult position because the troops talked about stoning him” (v.6).  David was not in this position because of his own sinfulness or disobedience.  He was actually here because of obedience and his refusal to harm the King of Israel, Saul.  Have you ever been in a difficult position because of doing right?  If we read on, it says, “But David found strength in the Lord his God” (v.6).  When we do right, God is with us.  God gave David and his men a great military victory that day.

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