Overwhelmed By God's Grace

Thursday March 28, 2024
Overwhelmed by God’s grace.  King David becomes troubled because of the cedar house he is living in, while the Ark of the Covenant, where God dwelt, was sitting inside tent curtains (2 Samuel 7:2).  David tells the prophet Nathan about his desire and plans to build a tabernacle, a permanent dwelling for the Ark.  Initially, Nathan tells David to go forth with the plans for the Lord was with David.  However, the Lord tells Nathan not to have David build the tabernacle, but God would allow David’s son to carry out those plans.  When Nathan reports to David all the words the Lord had spoken and the entire vision, David is overwhelmed.  What we read next is, “Then King David went in, sat in the Lord’s presence and said, ‘Who am I, Lord God, and what is my house that you have brought me this far?  What you have done so far was a little thing to you, Lord God, for you have also spoken about your servant’s house in the distant future.  And this is a revelation for mankind, Lord God.  What more can David say to you?  You know your servant, Lord God.  Because of your word and according to your will, you have revealed all these great things to your servant’” (2 Samuel 7:18-21).  David continues on, but I was drawn to the very first part where it says that David went in and sat in the Lord’s presence.  What we have received is greater than David, we too should be found in awe of God, just sitting in His presence.

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