A Familiar Voice

Friday March 29, 2024
A familiar voice.  After King David committed adultery with Bathsheba, and got word that she was pregnant, David tried to cover up the sin by brining her husband, Uriah, off the battlefield (2 Samuel 11:6).  Uriah did come back to Jerusalem as David requested, but he refused to go inside his house to be with his wife.  When it was reported back to David that Uriah did not go home, David asked Uriah why.  Uriah responded to David by saying, “The ark, Israel, and Judah are dwelling in tents, and my master Joab and his soldiers are camping in the open field.  How can I enter my house to eat and drink and sleep with my wife?” (2 Samuel 11:11).  This response should have rung as a familiar voice to David, for it was not too long ago that he, too, had a heart to not allow the ark to dwell in tents.  Sin is a deceptive tool of the enemy.  Even the most sincere and dedicated servant of the Lord can fall into temptation.  While David could not have undone the adultery he had committed, he could have realized his wrong and repented.  Instead, his desire to hide the wrong led to further sin, the murder of Uriah.

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