Dying Instructions
Wednesday April 3, 2024
Dying Instructions. King David has anointed his son, Solomon, to become the king. David then gives some final instructions to Solomon upon his death bed. David said, “Be strong and be a man, and keep your obligation to the Lord your God to walk in his ways and to keep his statues, commands, ordinances, and decrees” (1 Kings 2:2-3). David served as king for 40 years and during that time had some failures. David knew first-hand the blessings of being in the will of God, and he also knew first-hand the chastening of God when out of His will. David did have some other instructions to pass along to Solomon, but none greater than these which began his instructions. Generally speaking, David did not talk strategy, or how to secure riches, or what alliances to make. The focus was upon walking faithfully before the Lord, trusting the Lord to watch over Israel. Solomon begins his reign well in carrying out some of the things David shared. However, his greatest start to the kingdom was when the Lord appeared before Solomon and asked what He should give to Solomon. Solomon simply asks for discernment and a receptive heart to judge the people rightly (1 Kings 3:9). This pleased the Lord.
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