Preparing A Table For The Enemy

Thursday April 11, 2024
Preparing a table for the enemy.  The King of Aram raged war against Israel (2 Kings 6:8).  However, Elisha, the man of God, knew exactly each move the Aramean’s were making.  This frustrated the King of Aram to the point that he thought there was a spy in his ranks that was giving the information to the Israelites.  The first thing we should point out is that Elisha, the man of God, was a holy man of God (2 Kings 4:9).  He lived such a life that was so close to the Lord that God was able to use him in miraculous ways.  Can we, or do we, live that close?  Secondly, Elisha was a praying man.  When the Arameans came against him, he prayed to the Lord that God would strike the with blindness, and God did!  Elisha then led the blind enemy to Samaria, to the King of Israel.  Once there, Elisha prayed again and God restored their sight (2 Kings 6:20).  Once the King of Israel saw the enemy, the Arameans, he asked Elisha if he should kill them.  Elisha replied with a question.  He asked “Do you kill those you have captured with your sword or your bow?” (v.22).  Elisha then instructed the King of Israel to set food and water before them so they could eat and drink.  So, the King of Israel prepared a big feast for the enemy.  What was the outcome?  “The Aramean raiders did not come into Israel’s land again” (v.23).  What a lesson!

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