Amazing Grace

Saturday May 4, 2024
Amazing grace.  I trust you are continuing to read.  I love the Book of Isaiah.  In today’s passage we are reminded of the amazing grace of God.  Israel has sinned over and over again, and their hearts have become hardened.  However, those who will still humble themselves and turn back to God, He will save and restore them.  We hear of this grace when we read verses like: “I will make known the Lord’s faithful love and the Lord’s praiseworthy acts, because of all the Lord has don for us – even the many good things he has done for the house of Israel, which He did for them based on His compassion and the abundance of his faithful love” (Isaiah 63:7).  God’s faithful love speaks to His longsuffering and patience, as His compassion speaks to His mercy and pity that He has on people. These passages go on to repeat the grace that God shows and will show all those who humbly return to Him.  We read, “He redeemed them because of His love and compassion” (v.9).  No matter how corrupt and evil the people became, God still was prepared to extend grace to those who humbly returned to Him and repented.  We serve and amazing God who is full of amazing grace.

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